About me

My name is Krystine — I’m a designer with a background in journalism. I’ve been sketching, drawing and arts-and-crafts-ing since I was little. When I’m not designing at my day job, I’m making prints and invites for friends, re-finishing furniture, or doing something outdoors with my husband, Tyler.

I love to travel – my passport has stamps from Ireland, England, France, Guatemala, Canada and Iceland...and I’m always dreaming about where to go next!


Work projects

Below are snapshots of projects done for various departments of CHS, a Fortune 100 agriculture and energy company. The Case Studies section highlights a few other key projects in further detail.

Market Wire email newsletter

Personal projects

In my spare time, I do freelance design for an orphanage in Guatemala. I have visited the orphanage several times over the past few years and am so happy to help them out!


Case Studies

Spokane Fair sponsorship by Cenex Zip Trip

Client: CHS •  Zip Trip
(click here for a PDF of the full case study)

Client response: “These banners look fantastic! I love how you incorporated the same look and feel of the fair logo, very nice job ... [the Fair] asked me to pass on a thank you for caring about this and making it look so nice!”

Cenex Premium Diesel Sales Kit

Client: CHS Energy •  Premium Diesel
(click here for a PDF of the full case study)

Cenex Gift Card Refresh

Client: CHS  •  Payment Solutions
(click here for a PDF of the full case study)


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